Mission and Vision of the Board

Mission of the Board
The mission of the AUABC, which has clearly been stated out in Article 22 (5) of the Convention, is to:
a. Promote and encourage adoption and application of anti-corruption measures on the continent;
b. Collect and document information on the nature and scope of corruption and related offenses in Africa;
c. Develop methodologies for analyzing the nature and extent of corruption in Africa, and disseminate information
and sensitize the public on the negative effects of corruption and related offenses;
d. Advise governments on how to deal with the scourge of corruption and related offenses in their domestic
e. Collect information and analyze the conduct and behavior of multi-national corporations operating in Africa and
disseminate such information to national authorities designated under Article 18 (1) of the Convention hereof;
f. Develop and promote the adoption of harmonized codes of conduct of public officials;
g. Build partnerships with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, African civil Society,
governmental, Intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to facilitate dialogue in the fight against
corruption and related offences;
h. Submit a report to Executive Council on a regular basis on the progress made by each State Party in complying
with the provisions of this Convention;
i. Perform any other task relating to corruption and related offences that may be assigned to it by the policy organs
of the African Union.
This vision is to be, by 2020, “an efficient organization that provides pertinent support to Member States in the sustainable implementation of the AU Convention and the fight against corruption in Africa”.